Live Footage: Besides Daniel, Timothy Walker, Alec Stanley, Aaron Hodgin
TBI’s official photographer, William Haun, made a trip to Atlanta to cover a nifty, little house show held at singer/songwriter Tyler Lyle’s house. I wasn’t there so it’s hard to say who the highlight of the night was, but if I had to make a call based off of these videos, I’d say Timothy Walker. Some people have to spend years working on their vocal tone/quality and some people are just born with it. Timothy Walker (of Tim & Kate) just has it. To me, he’s like a bro-version of Molly Parden— butter smooth vocals with just enough rasp to keep your ears perked.
William mentioned to me that there was a bearded fella there that played these punchy, one-minute songs that at times were goofy, but charming nevertheless. Again, I didn’t hear all of the songs (none actually), but this particular one is cool. The “bearded fella” playing the song happens to be a writer for The Blue Indian. Hi-five, Aaron Hodgin (of Shook Foil).
And you all know how I feel about Besides Daniel and Alec Stanley.
Enjoy the vids: