The Blue Indian

Sophia Bastian – Music Ambassadors: Macon

Sophia Bastian plays at Mercer Village as part of Macon's MusicThe wonderfully talented Sophia Bastian kicked off the preview weekend of the Music Ambassadors: Macon project earlier this month with a simple, yet soulful free performance in Mercer Village on Friday, June 7th, followed by a private concert the following afternoon, and an energetic Second Sunday set at the historic Grant’s Lounge to close out the weekend.

Bastian was a perfect candidate for the preview of Music Ambassadors: Macon, a Knight Neighborhood Challenge grant-funded project, with the goal of exposing Macon, specifically the College Hill Corridor, as an artist destination, and received an excited and hospitable welcome from all those who encountered her over the weekend.

During the time when they weren’t performing, Bastian and guitarist Ben Cassorla (Cassorla, Belle Brigade) toured the city with Rock Candy Tours, visiting the landmarks that have helped make Macon one of the most historically rich music cities in America.

Music Ambassadors: Macon 2013-2014 series begins officially in September, but in the mean time, enjoy Bastian’s beautiful performances from both her Mercer Village set and her set at the Wise Blood house.

Sophia Bastian – Live at the Wise Blood House

[youtube id="ydwmlsojnxE" showinfo="0"]

“Dinner Blues” – Live at Mercer Village 06/07/13

[youtube id=XKiWORXo9I4 showinfo=0]

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