The Blue Indian

Penguin Prison x Ghost Beach Remix + Tour

Ghost Beach

Ghost Beach

Self-proclaimed “Tropical Grit Pop” act Ghost Beach (hailing from NYC) is touring the states in support of their newest release, Modern Tongues. More recently, a number of friends remixed tracks from the album and they’ve had us dancing in our offices most of the weekend. One track that stands out to us is Penguin Prison‘s reworking of “Too Young”, a wound-up, then released dance number that is begging to be played at your next house party.

The group has also been on the forefront of the Artistsvsartists experiment to promote awareness to the developing forms of sharing media between artists and their audiences. A statement from their website reads, “We are #artistsagainstpiracy. We believe in using new music sharing platforms to combat illegal downloading by offering the modern music consumer convenient choices when it comes to discovering and downloading new music. By giving music listeners the choice to buy, stream or download free from the artist, everybody wins and music is shared in a way that is convenient for listeners and respects the artists intellectual property”

Ghost Beach will be stopping in Atlanta at the Earl on April 8th for a show with the equally entertaining Chad Valley. Check out the remix (in the player on the right of the page), the band, and their campaign – and look for them on tour throughout the coming month.

[youtube id=jFdsq8ihkTY]

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