The Blue Indian

Acoustic Alley: Emily & the Complexes

Emily & the Complexes - Acoustic Alley

Emily & the Complexes came to us through one of our Staff Writers, Hannah Cook, a former Editor at Ohio University’s ACRN Radio. Hannah eventually developed a relationship with the band and passed them along to us just in time to catch their set at the inaugural Bunbury Music Festival in Cincinnati last year. We touched base with them again earlier this year as part of’s Compilation Series, where the band featured their song “Would You” as one of twenty free tracks from artists on our radar.

As the band embarked on their most recent tour this past March, they got in touch and let us know they’d be willing to come to Macon just to record with us. It surprised us, but we were delighted they wanted to be apart of the series and welcomed them one warm spring afternoon before they made the drive to Atlanta.

Tyler Verhagen treated us to two songs from the band’s most recent release before we headed off for day-beers and a game of frisbee that could be described anywhere from “exhilarating” to “a complete waste of time” (considering beers were getting warm).

Though the full band didn’t join in on the recording, Verhagen’s bedroom blues were particularly enchanting, especially after a few solid listens. His thoughts are ones that we’ve all had in some way, whether expressed or kept quiet, and his strength comes from his ability to communicate them so fluidly.

The band will be making another festival appearance this weekend (4/25-27) at ACRN‘s LobsterFest – alongside Cloud Nothings and Turbo Fruits.

Emily & the Complexes – “If I Had Money”

[youtube id=qbHILXqvcSA showinfo=0]

Emily & the Complexes – “Pillar of Salt”

[youtube id=3HYP67F9F5A showinfo=0]
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