The Blue Indian

Acoustic Alley: Christopher Bell

Christopher Bell first showed up in Macon a few years ago. While trekking across the country on one of his incredibly lengthy tours, he stopped for a small show at Joshua’s Cup, a local coffee shop that was booking music at the time. A few folks came out, they loved his set and let him know, and so months later Chris returned. Fast forward almost 6 years and he’s built a fairly decent following of friends here. Most recently, he stopped in at The Golden Bough for a show with locals Tanosweg. We caught up with Chris earlier in the day as asked him if he wanted to come record a quick session with us. One thing led to another and we wound up on the same parking deck where we filmed The Front Bottoms’ session. Though midway through one of his songs we were caught off guard by a fire truck passing through Downtown, Chris kept playing and we made it work out. While admittedly not one of our sharper sessions, Chris was able to play one of the more interesting sets we’ve hosted as he strummed and bowed away on his cello. We were thrilled to have such a talented musician and all around good guy back in town and we hope you enjoy!

Christopher Bell – “Ghosts”

[youtube id=tCaUBula1ko showinfo=0]

Christopher Bell – “I’ve Got Love”

[youtube id=Ag6i5ntQDNQ showinfo=0]
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