The Blue Indian

Acoustic Alley: Aly Tadros

Aly Tadros, a native of Brooklyn, NY, contacted us earlier this year to set up an Acoustic Alley while on a Southeast tour promoting her recently released album The Fits. Luckily, she had booked a show at The Rookery, so we were able to catch up with her before she went on and capture a couple of her songs. Her simple, soulful style was a perfect match to everything that we hope for an Acoustic Alley to be, save for a pesky car alarm that managed to sneak into “Sweet on Me”. Aly handled it like a pro however, providing us with two beautiful songs that we hope you’ll enjoy as much as we did.

– Andy Carter

Aly Tadros – “Sweet on Me”

[youtube id=iMi-R9Jl_24 showinfo=0]

Aly Tadros – “Alberta”

[youtube id=HYpQ7HURk58 showinfo=0]
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