TBI Presents Videos
The Blue Indian Presents: The Head and the Heart
You don’t want to skip over this! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G performance by The Head and The Heart at the Masquerade in Atlanta, GA.
The Blue Indian Presents: MATRIMONY
Matrimony gets the crowd’s attention with their single, “Flee or Fight”!
The Blue Indian Presents: FRONTIER RUCKUS – “Ontario”
Watch our first video from the band’s awesome performance in Macon on January 21st.
The Blue Indian Presents: BAD BOOKS
Enjoy these photos and the video of Bad Books performing what will be one of the singles of Manchester’s new record!
The Blue Indian Presents: KEVIN DEVINE
Kevin Devine was a huge hit during his Macon debut as he played for TheBlueIndian.com and his fans.
The Blue Indian Presents: GOBOTRON
Gobotron played to a tight-knit group of fans as he opened for Andy Hull & Kevin Devine in Macon, GA.
Video: Damien Jurado Plays “Ghost of David”
This past Friday, Seattle’s much beloved singer-songwriter Damien Jurado passed through Atlanta on tour with Austin, Texas’ indie rockers Shearwater. The Blue Indian was at The Earl covering the amazing show and will have a plethora of videos and photos of their performances for you. Until the full show review goes up, we want to […]
Live Footage & Photos: ROBBERS
Enjoy some of William Haun’s photos and live video footage from Robbers’ set in Macon back in September.
TBI Presents: OCEAN IS THEORY Live at The 567
Ocean Is Theory brought the house down during their recent stop in Macon, GA.
Live Footage & Photos: STRIBLING
Stribling impresses again as they play to their fans at The 567 in Macon, GA.
TBI Showcase 2010 Live Footage & Photos: ROVA ZETELLA
Rova Zetella playing their fans in Macon, GA, some new tunes.
TBI Showcase 2010 Live Footage & Photos: OH DORIAN
Oh Dorian is always a favorite around Georgia. Check her out!