FREE Christmas Music from Joel Rakes

Joel Rakes with a banjo and a dog.

I’ve received a large amount of free music the past couple of months from artists trying to get their stuff up, and to be honest, I sort of have to make my way through it at a realistic pace, which often times, is very slow. Respectfully enough, a lot of the music is coming from artists who are busting their tails trying to get their music heard. Some of the music is Christmas tunes– some original, some predictable, and some just flat-out horrid.

This morning before I got to my studies, I decided to go through emails. It’s nice to go ahead and get that behind you sometimes. One particular email jumped out at me and I’m glad it did. This particular email came from a Tennessean singer/songwriter named, Joel Rakes, who gave his email’s subject the following: “A Shameless Plug for Free Christmas Music.” Joel, after attentively listening to your pile of Christmas tunes, I now understand why you consider your “plug” shameless. Indeed, you have nothing to be ashamed of, brother. Well said.

Folks, I’ve heard some pretty amazing Christmas tunes from a couple of my favorite artists this season, but this guy’s stuff just might take the cake for me. Take advantage of this opportunity.

Download some amazingly original Christmas music by clicking HERE.