Review: Modern Skirts’ Final 40 Watt Show – 4/5/2013

“There was the feeling of much love all night long from the band, and many thanks from them to fans both new and old. While it is sad to say goodbye, it’s definitely a bittersweet feeling.”

AthFest 2012: A Retrospective

3 of TBI’s writers fill you in on the events of the most recent AthFest Music, Arts, Film & Kids Festival

Modern Skirts + Littlest Sounds Tour in Macon

Sean fills you in on two awesome shows happening this weekend in Macon.

It’s No Joke – Another Compilation from Littlest Sounds with 30 Free Songs!

Our friends at SceneSC scooped us last month with news that label Littlest Sounds had released a 31-track compilation. The label announced that it was to be first of a monthly tradition. The collection was a great introduction to acts like The Restoration, Kissing Party, and The Bird Day but also featured some familiar names […]

Top Ten for 2010 (List #5 of 7): by Hannah Marney

top ten of 2010 LIST 5

by Hannah Marney 10. Tiger Suit – KT Tunstall I pretty much like her no matter what. She is a girl who does her thing and does it well. I kept seeing video ads for it in the tube stations in London. Very glad I bought it. 9. The Suburbs – Arcade Fire They always […] Presents: Modern Skirts (11/13) & Manchester Orchestra (12/3)

Check out the upcoming “TBI Presents” shows! -SP

TBI Showcase 2010

showcase 2010

You don’t want to miss this! Go ahead and confirm on the FACEBOOK event!